Todo List
Member core_convert_pathname_to_locale (const char *pathname)
As target this function uses the codeset that was detected for the locale category LC_CTYPE by the FILTER module. The locale parsing code should be moved to the CORE module.
Member enc_convert_posix_to_iso8601 (char *isodate, core_time_t pts)
Calling operating system for date conversion should be replaced until the year 2038 (when 32 bit signed time_t implementations will overflow).
Member enc_get_iso8601_utc (char *isodate)
Calling operating system for date conversion should be replaced until the year 2038 (when 32 bit signed time_t implementations will overflow).
We don't use iconv() because on old operating systems there may be no Unicode support. And even on such old machines we don't want an external dependency from GNU iconv.
There should be an option to use the systems iconv() on request.
Member ui_init (int argc, char **argv)
Workaround for "creeping window" problem without session manager seems not to be the "right" solution. If you know a better one, please report it.

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