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A fast and lightweight Usenet newsreader for Unix.
2024-04-27: flnews 1.2.1 is now available
Potential crash fixed if an article is selected while article
tree/list widget update is still in progress (race condition).
FLTK 1.3 may crash if Fl_Text_Display widget contains very long
With FLTK 1.3 articles containing lines beyond 1000 octets are no
longer displayed. It's still possible to store the raw data to a
file. With FLTK 1.4 the behaviour is unchanged.
Inconsistent permissions of created files fixed.
Conversion from multiple seldom used 8-bit codepages to Unicode
Unicode database updated to version 15.1.0.
Connector lines in article tree are now solid for better visibility.
See CHANGELOG for the complete list.
2024-02-24: French translation of manual page is now available
2023-06-08: flnews 1.2.0 is now available
French translation added for NLS support.
Option to skip to next group while searching for next unread
article added.
Support for custom colors in displayed article added.
Support for user defined TCP connection timeout.
Header field "Newsgroups" can now be extracted from overview, if
present. Scoring rules of type "group" are applied to all groups of
an Xpost in this case.
Support for LIST OVERVIEW.FMT command (RFC 3977) added.
Experimental support for NNTP MAXARTNUM extension added.
Zero-width space (ZWSP) is now used too as line breaking hint for
the format "flowed" decoder.
Soft hyphens are now handled consistently with all FLTK backends
(formerly X11 rendered all SHY characters visible, as defined by
ISO 8859-1, while Pango and Cocoa rendered SHY characters
Unicode database updated to version 15.0.0.
The experimental option USE_CUSTOM_FONTSIZE has been removed
Since FLTK 1.4 there is a resize feature via keyboard (Ctrl-+/-).
Examples for postprocessor added in subdirectory "postproc".
Example for external editor added in subdirectory "editor".
See CHANGELOG for the complete list.
2022-06-26: Application bundle on "Apple macOS" page updated.
2022-05-21: flnews 1.1.0 is now available
Authentication without password is now rejected (not sent to
Option to automatically check for new articles added.
Support for estimated article count in subscription window added.
Support for group descriptions in subscription window added.
Based on LIST NEWSGROUPS command (RFC 3977).
Support for subscription proposals from server added
(offered to user after server was changed and group list is empty).
Based on LIST SUBSCRIPTIONS command (RFC 6048).
File save operations now suggest a pathname in the file selection
File save operations now ask the user before an existing file is
Message-IDs are now generated with algorithm A3 (uses a modified
Base64 alphabet with "/" replaced by "-"). This allows to generate
RFC 5538 conformant "news"-URIs without percent-encoding.
Support for LibreSSL 3.5 API added.
See CHANGELOG for the complete list.
The last version with known security vulnerabilites is 0.12 from 2015.
Update if you are not already using a newer version.
flnews is a client with graphical user interface to read
Usenet newsgroups.
It is intended for POSIX compliant operating systems running the
X window system.
With FLTK 1.4 Wayland can be used (FLTK must be compiled to use the
Wayland backend).
On macOS Cocoa can be used too (FLTK must be compiled to use the
Cocoa backend).
The main development goals are (in order of importance):
- No bloat
Support for old workstations
Something like a Sun SPARCstation with 60MHz processor and
SunOS 5.7 operating system.
- Standard compliance
- Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others
- Compatibility with other newsreaders
- Usable X display redirection via network (or ssh tunnel)
- Warn users about things that are not forbidden but considered "bad practice"
Features that are currently not implemented (or not usable yet):
- Multiple servers
- Offline mode (for network connection via dialup line)
POSIX.1-1996 compliant operating system with BSD socket API
Read the INSTALL file in the source tree for details
(Versions 1.3.x and 1.4.x are supported)
(Versions 1.0.x, 1.1.x and 3.x are supported,
required for TLS connections and Cancel-Lock)
or LibreSSL
(versions with sufficiently compatible API)
(Versions 1.2.x and 1.3.x are supported, required for NNTP COMPRESS
(required for sending e-mail and following external hyperlinks)
French translation of manual page provided by Michael Uplawski:
Last update: 2024-04-27